
Hair Catalyst

  • Faster Bleach

    Enhances the effect of bleaching for a faster bleach.

  • Lower Damage

    Formulated with herbal extracts to reduce hair damage.

Tired of spending 3 to 4 hours bleaching you hair? This innovative formulation accelerates the bleaching process whilst reducing the associated hair damage, giving you a hassle-free bleach.


With IRIS Hair Catalyst, bleaching process is sped up, allowing us to achieve the same result in 1 to 2 bleaches.

Typically, fashion shades require us to pre-lighten our hair to level 8-10 for optimal result. As shown above, this would require us to bleach 2 to 4 times, wasting time and effort and ultimately damaging our hair in this arduous process.

With fewer number of bleaches, alongside the herbal extracts infused, hair catalyst minimize hair damage while making our jobs easier, faster and better.

How It Works

Ratio guideline for bleach mixture.

  • Simply mix the hair catalyst with your preferred bleach and IRIS Colour Developer and bleach as normal.
  • Due to the antagonistic nature of the ingredients, the ratio guideline is very important.


IRIS Hair Catalyst is formulated with two antagonistic ingredients.

One to enhance the bleaching effect and speed, while the other to minimize hair damage.

The catalytic ingredient enables the bleaching ingredient to penetrate into our hair shaft more effectively for a faster and a cleaner bleach. In the meantime, the herbal oil included nourishes the hair and forms a protective layer to reduce hair damage.

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